A prestigious educational institution for common sense. Also called The University of No Shit.
"I just graduated from No Shit University after ignoring Flat Earth conspiracy theories."
42 is the meaning of life, the universe and everything
Source: The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Not a very trustworthy source, I know
Deep Thought: The answer to life, the universe, and everything
Everyone: yes…
Deep Thought: is…
Everyone: yes…
Deep Thought: 42
Hey, you know that scene from Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy? The answer to life, the universe, and everything ? Yeah the answer is 42.
In a spiritual context, universalism also means believing that love is universal (exists in extraterrestrials, throughout the universe)-not just man-made and that the point in life is to spread love to these beings.
(e.g: God and many starseeds believe in universalism: Spreading universal love to many beings, throughout the universe).
A gender neutral and non-religious way of expressing "Mother/Father of God". It is used to express something serious or to intensify the dramatics of something shocking, upsetting, etc.
Parent of Universe! What the fuck did you just say to me?
Parent of Universe, what happened to you?
Parent of Universe, do not speak to me in that way!
E.t is an alien and he is kind of spacey, coming from the universe to party and go crazy
The T.V's knackered again. Fetch me my Multi-Purpose Universal Fixing Tool.