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1. A phone, computer, or other electronic device which has such a level of inferiority so as to inflict rage upon the user and/or content viewer

2. A person who has Down's Syndrome or a similar genetic defect

1. This computer is such a potato! It won't even load Word right!

2. I hate that I have to walk down the potato aisle every day to get to class.

by Anti-Antidote October 21, 2016


showing no emotion; emotionless

delbar: what's up?
justin: *potato*

by pears and peaches August 16, 2015


Typically a conservative suburban/ rural white person that has lived in the same area their whole life. They usually detest urban or foreign cultural influences & people, and is content to remain uncultured and believes their surrounding area is "the REAL America". A derogatory way to say someone is closed minded and uncultured, especially to white rural/ suburban conservatives who vote against their own economic and social interests.

My Aunt Beatrice is a damn Potato, I hate seeing her at holidays, she keeps ranting about #BLM and I don't think she knows any black people in her BFE town.

by Nivekian13 December 9, 2016


Potatoe is an alternate spelling for potato. The "potato" spelling is more popular, but even national newspapers like the New York Times occasionally used the "potatoe" spelling, which was considered an acceptable spelling at least until 15 June 1992, when Republican vice presidential nominee Dan Quayle read the "-oe" spelling off the "official spelling bee spelling" flash card handed to him by an English teacher for correcting a spelling bee, and the media tore him apart for it.

"You’re close, but you left a little something off the spelling of potatoe. The 'e' on the end."

by embram May 8, 2015


A Symbol, This GUY named Forest uses. It’s a trick. They found meegkuk.

Oh crap it’s a potato

by Jekkkwk April 19, 2021


Not a penis, it is a food item

Stop looking at my penis. Its a penis , not a potato

by 13 man June 28, 2022


An adjective used to describe cute people!
Or an insult making fun of peoples weight.

Cute way

Mia: Oh my gosh, Eggo is such a kawaii potato

Rude way

Ashley: Eww what an ugly potato

by Izzat._.HoneyJals September 30, 2019