In escort prostitution, a variation on the "cash and dash" scam.
A "cash and dash" provider accepts payment (as discreetly handing a call girl an unmarked cash-filled envelope up front is typical in the hobby) but then immediately bails out and leaves without providing any service.
The "dance and dash" scam is similar - some token "service" is provided which has nothing to do with what was advertised or what the client thought was being advertised.
The client thinks "full-service escort" means sex, the vendor suddenly decides (after taking the money) that no, it means one minute of hip-hop dancing followed by a beeline for the door. That's dance and dash.
In cash and dash, the client doesn't even get that much.
The so-called "escort review boards", despite their serious faults (such as being funded by ads from the very providers the users purport to "review") should be able to provide at least a heads-up if a serial cash-and-dash or dance-and-dash scheme is being operated by one individual local provider. These people change working names and contact info frequently, but patience for what is basically out-and-out fraud is limited.
When you get on the ground, and hump the floor. Ykno, that one dance
Rio: do that one dance. Get on the floor, act like you humping, do that one dance. Bounce yo shoulders, throw some money up, do that one dance
When you are trying to put your untied shoes on without using your hands and you tap your feet around on the floor and crush the heel of the shoe while trying to force your foot in. A comical sight.
shoes squeaking on floor and loud taps
Oh its just Andrew doing the retard dance
Tanning your taint at the top of a mountain
Dude that hike was amazing, the Irish Sun Dance at the peak really topped it off!
Star Dancing is when you take an LSD trip with someone you really really like alot
Person1: "Star Dance with me my love?"
Person2: "ofc darling"
The act of being able to have OBE, usually turning into a bird, and to be able to interact with other material objects human or not.
I think I star danced last night.
a disgusting type of physical activity that sucks
Dancing is my favorite thing to- *gets murdered*