A hard google is when google itself doesnt instantly answer your question. If you have to leave the results and go to a wiki page or another site, your search is now a hard google.
This is the next stage after a soft google
I had to hard google it and got taken to a wiki page with the answer
when you know exactly what you are looking for and will not stop at anything to find it
i dont do dat soft google shit, i know exactly what im looking for, hard google for lief.
An obese person with an aggressive, militant personality.
The chef is quite affable in public, but in the kitchen — he’s a real hard lard.
When a female becomes sexually aroused no matter her sexual preference (English UK)
"Mum just spotted Cliff Richard on Good Morning Britain and got a massive fanny hard-on"
His sinus infection was so bad that he said he felt like the ass end of hard times.
resting your erect penis on the top of a woman's head and ejaculating down the front of her face
"not another leaky hard hat. I just washed my face"
When you so drunk you have to do a hand stand to even get your cock to appear UP.
Her: you are so drunk you Can t get it up
Me: ha wanna bet a blow job?
Her: sure what are you doing?
Me: ( leaning on a wall uoside down) a handstand hard on