Source Code

Piss all over

To completely disregard a set of guidelines or customs (sometimes dismantling them) in order to achieve something.

From 'I Built a City Where the Dead Bodies Just Pile Up - Cities: Skylines' (posted by GrayStillPlays) at 0:36

' "City Skylines" has restrictions on just how many cars you can have at any given time. Luckily, with mods, you can piss all over those restrictions and do whatever the Hell you want ... and that's what we're gonna do today. '

by M0UNTA1N5 July 29, 2023

All Over The Floor

All over the floor basicly means the plans you have serious action. You are making money moves.

You know I always got that thugthissm all over the floor!

by Wickens Wicked Reptiles January 4, 2024


When a place / business (eg. bar or salon or clothing store) gets too full of themselves and think they are cooler than they actually are

Mick: Lets go to that little boutique to check out the clothes?
Anna: Ewwww no... look at the ppl in there - they way to Over-swish!!

by Meekalogical January 21, 2009

French drive-over

Similar to the American "drive-by" the French drive-over is driving someone over rather than driving beside and shooting them. This was popularized after the French saw the rest of the world and lost all respect, desperate to get rid of those other impure men, they flattened them under heavy rocks. This was later adopted by the car as it was far more fun, far easier and had the exact same effect. This practice has been replicated by other countries in the modern age as well, although, by filthy outsiders.

*French engineer* We shall make a machine to flatten their country , spirit and soul."
*Frenchmen* "We must rid us of these disgusting oil monkeys they call "Americans"
*French engineer* "We shall make a machine to flatten their country , spirit and soul."
*All together* "Hon Hon Hon!"

Modern age:
*Frenchmen* "We must rid us of these disgusting oil monkeys they call "Americans". "Get the cheese wheels ready monsieur, we're doing A French drive-over! Time to flatten them like crepes!"

by Kurts December 5, 2017

White Stripes: Over Heaven

Stand User: Unknown
Stand Name: White Stripes Over Heaven
Stand Paramaters:

-Destruction A
-Speed A
-Range A
-Persistance A
-Precision A
-Development Potential A
Stand Ability: Can use any abilities catered toward countering and defeating any opponent in battle.

"This is a JoJo refference, White Stripes: Over Heaven."
-Unknown Stand User

by Psidrako3 February 14, 2022

Over Enunciation

When a person place attention to certain words in a conversation or story often because of a political view or too much attention to the ethnic part of the story.

What is the deal with the news every time there is a story about the Latino community the news person reporting always does too much over enunciation of all the non-English words....its so annoying...and predictable.......and cringe worthy.

by Lucky for Sure November 28, 2022

Comming over here

Something that is used when you are with 7th and 8th graders who are inappropriate.

Billy: I'm comming over here!
Sarah: OMG Ewww I'm taken >:(
Billy: I was going over to my friend... >:(

Sarah: Oh! Sorry!

by Skoyler :) April 22, 2022