The one-day's, the maybe's, the I-hope's, the imaginary-future-game's, the can't-wait's, and the we-should's.
The Ghost of life itself wondering up and down your hallway humming a sweet sad song, reminding you of the opaque alternative you refused to nurture and cherish.
It's the words of comfort from others that unknowingly stab at your sense of solitude. It's the progression of comfort you provide yourself to reject pity. It's convincing yourself you're better off to avoid the pain of accepting your misdemeanors.
P1: there's plenty of fish in the sea, you've just gotta get back out there
P2: I'm better off alone, I have freedom, I can do whatever I want, and I have so much more time and money now.
P1: you'll change your mind, someone else will come when you least expect it and sweep you off your feet.
I live out my days on lost dreams and tea, but if I am not mad, then who else will I be?
A drink that a lot of people love probably only cause it’s 99 cents or they just love tea like I do. Also a Drink that will always be cheap and tastes good asf everyday.
Omg Arizona tea is the best cheap drink everrrrrrrrrr
The greatest thing on this wretched earth
Person A: Arizona Tea sucks bro why would you drink that?
Person B: *starts beating him to the ground*
A spitter bottle, full of that dark chew spit.
Don't drink that it's "Montana sweet tea".
Sweet tea mob is a rap collective that was formed in 2020 in vacaville ca, by named member dmoney other members would pour in like josiah(wavy),antoine(robert kelly), charles, jared zaph, edward,Daniel, Zion(zguapo$ Dmoney,Nathan (twin chops) kai. sweet mob would have alot of named enemy’s like jaylen,fbk and others
“Hey sweet tea mob just dropped a new song”
“yea i heard dmoney and wavy went crazy”
A late night booty call between two homosexual males. Commonly used in the south and surrounding territories. The term refers to the popular alcoholic drink, Twisted Tea, and the popular beer, Natural light.
Me and Joey are about to be drinkin’ teas n nattys. You want in.