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Post-Badger Rehabilitation

German for “Healing after the Beast.”

The systematic recovery process undertaken by an obedient husband

to restore his dignity, cleanliness and independence during the prolonged absence of a relentlessly oppressive, bossy wife.

“Is Dr. Penguin doing better?”

“Yeah, Madame Penguin is visiting her family and his insurance company agreed to cover 14 days of Post-Badger Rehabilitation.”

by Missy Muff February 23, 2019


People who over post on social media to the point of being unfollowed or unfriended.

Uber-posting endlessly finally made me unfollow him.

by Smith Words June 2, 2014

Post Dump Clarity

The feeling of tranquility and rationality following the expulsion of excrement, especially following dumps of epic proportion.

Jared designed a new Boeing jetliner on his rapidly descending plane during his post dump clarity following an episode of extreme projectile diarrhea which tore a whole in the plane.

by PoopClubLeader November 28, 2024

Post Dump Clarity

The feeling of tranquility and rationality following the expulsion of excrement, especially following dumps of epic proportion.

Jared designed a new Boeing jetliner on his rapidly descending plane during his post dump clarity following an episode of extreme projectile diarrhea which tore a whole in the plane.

by PoopClubLeader November 28, 2024

Post Dump Clarity

The intense feelings of tranquility and rationality following the expulsion of excrement, especially after dumps of epic proportions.

Jared designed an entirely new Boeing jetliner during his post dump clarity following a violent episode of diarrhea which caused significant damage to his airplane’s bathroom.

by PoopClubLeader November 28, 2024

Post Dump Clarity

The feeling of tranquility and rationality following the expulsion of excrement, especially following dumps of epic proportions.

Jared designed a new jetliner to outcompete Boeing in his post dump clarity after blowing up an airport bathroom with his feces

by PoopClubLeader November 28, 2024

Post Nut Charity

when you donate to a sketchy charity without realizing it, but you find out later that you truly, most certainly, fucked up.

I donated to Kids Wish Network and I hit Post Nut Charity

by iminhellplshelpahhh December 29, 2025