A beer located on the outside of a window on the top of a wood pile for the ease of grabbing.
Hey Jeff can you grab me a window beer
A location where one leaves unused or unwanted beer/alcohol in a public location such as woods or bushes. Anyone can take the beer but it is expected that it will be replaced eventually either by the person who took it or by a new person who is looking to get rid of their alcohol.
Guy 1: hey dude we don't have any beer
Guy 2:lets go check the beer spawn for any
Man 1: hey I have all this old natty light I don't want
Man 2: dude throw that at the beer spawn someone will defiantly want it
When you have weak beer and add liquor to it to get more bang for your buck.
Can also be done to get your friends hyped before a party.
Also known as Bupgrade
Yo Johnny let’s get that beer upgraded, we got a party to go to tonight.
Someone who wastes beer and acts like they can hang either a lightskin if a Mexican nigga
The beer wasters are back at it again
A non-alcoholic beer to be enjoyed during dry February. Which is better than dry January because its shorter.
Do you have any February Beer? Im on the wagon, thanks!
Madison Elle Beers are the most amazing people on earth, they're loving and supporting! They care a lot about their fans and they spend loads of time with them.. Sadly they date fucktards.
"Woah look at that perfect girl! She must be a Madison Elle Beer!!"
A series of uncontrollable laughter caused after drinking root beer
Brenna: why can’t you stop laughing!?
Emma: I’m sorry, I have the root beer giggles!!