Source Code

De l'argent cash money baby

A few words made by Boo (aka : Gab).
It means that you have whole lot of money, congrats! You're rich af now

I'm full of De l'argent cash money baby!!! uwu owo

by SomeRedAppless November 14, 2022


The intentional act of lowering one's personal shame around an issue through unconditional love, joining in, celebrating, shaking our fists at our repressive cultures, and normalizing protective mechanisms. Originated from the Somatica Method, created by Danielle Harel and Celeste Hirschman.

My client had so much shame around her kinks until we spent time de-shamifying, now she's having the time of her life embracing what turns her on!

by sam_charles March 27, 2024

De Rage

When you reach peak point of anger - however age and wisdom come over the top and your little inner voice says.. dont say or do that..

I was able to reflect on the position i was placed in and De Rage to ensure a smooth path for all.

by 61# August 31, 2022


Updating a home's decor so it doesn't look like a grandma's house.

Katie is painting all the rooms in the older house she bought to help de-grandmafy it.

by Golden Metis September 18, 2021


The action of removing a hat from one's head. (verb.)

"Can you de-hat me?"

"Emanuel needs someone to de-hat him."

by Dictionary of yesness June 5, 2021

Journée nationale de urlocalWaifu

Il faut envoyer 404947477473744 euro a urlocalwaifu 🥺 sinon rien enfaite Owo si aesthethic

C'est la journe nationale de urlocalWaifu

J'aime pas ta tête de gros gorille

Journée nationale de urlocalWaifu

by Jdhdvdvevebeb April 21, 2021

Jamez de Lioncourt

The Lord & Master that is venerated on the 'Ungenerical' religion. It is claimed that the L&M will take control of the universe when every Generic Fuck is eliminated. The bestest ruler that history will ever know. The L&M human form happens to be a nice, beautiful, cute, gorgeous girl, but will never care about GFs or any other life form but one.

Jamez de Lioncourt will destroy everyone of you, arseholes!

by Dan420 June 3, 2006