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Currency used by specific governments to use for the sell and distribution of goods. Money is very delicious and tastes like cranberry sauce.

A: Hey, Bill?
B: Yeah?
A: Why is there an Illuminati on the U.S.A. one dollar bill, which is a form of money?
B: *pulls out gun* shhhh…
A: oh.

by DaNoobKing February 15, 2024


The meaning of life.

Money doesn't buy happiness? Hell yeah it does!

by Please candy March 6, 2022


money is like paper that have our presidents faces on each one for example: Benjamin Franklin is on the $100 bill and George Washington hes on the $1 bill.

Mikey: Hey mom.
Jessy (mom): Yes mikey?
MIkey: I need $300 ASAP.
Mom: For what Mikey?
Mikey: Because I confessed to Siria and she said i need to have above $100 to be dating her
Mom: Mikey you are 18. You can have a job now.
Mikey: Ok mom.
Mom: So what are you gonna apply for?
Mikey: Ima make my own sex booth to have sex and make money
Mom: Uhh you sure?
MIkey: Yep!

3 months later
Siria: So you called me here?
MIkey: yeah.
Siria: So wassup?
Mikey: Will you be my gf?
Siria: Uhm but remember 3 months ago u gotta impress me.
Mikey: yeah *holds out money*
siria: Ok yeah but will we have sex each month 3 times?
mikey: yeah cant wait to feel your vagina
siria: oh well we can do dirty stuff
mikey: yeah and also ima be playin w/ur clit as well and you with my penis!

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by matteroffactmeandyouaregreat! July 8, 2021


The only problem that I'm struggling on

It's because you need to work hard just for money.
Yes. Work HARD.

by dgfhgfdcghghfgghhhgggghhhhhhhh July 9, 2021


The thing that makes the world go round.

Money makes the world go round, without it the world would be a cube.

by reasaboys February 18, 2023


Paper that you deserve

Money is paper that you deserve

by Benjikat July 13, 2023


A piece of paper, touched by millions of people handing it to another person over and over again. People even will risk being punched in the face by a WWE wrestler to get this piece of paper.

"hey dude, do you see that money on top of that crane?" "Yeah, I see it; Lets get that money!"

by Gragesdor January 15, 2017