The absolute worst insult that you will ever hear. Probably made by tem.
Oh yeah you are a biscuit sandwich! Tem 2023
When you have beer for lunch rather than food.
Hey, are you hungry? We’re about to throw burgers on the grill.
No, I’ll just have a can Sandwich.
Fresh tuna sandwich on a Wednesday is a video of some trash boys playing overwatch
food that is no good except chic fil a.
today rebeccaa ate a cHicKen sAndWicH at chic fil aaaaaaaa
A person named chicken sandwich who is friends with jee0de.
A plant wubbox oc which jee0de ships with a epic furcorn oc that is the wubboxes friend known as faux sandwich
Jee0de: hhh
chicken sandwich: sSIGMA SKIBIDI
Chciken sandwich
Chikcen sandwich(i misspelled chicken sandwich on purpose hahahahahahahahah)
one day viraj came to school and said "chicken sandwich" randomly in class.
Now if the teacher ever asks a question you don't know the answer to just simply say "chicken sandwich"
chicken sandwich