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Urban dictionary

A website that thinks that people write smart definitions about certain things
But it’s mainly just random people typing and defining either dead memes or even deader memes

Urban dictionary:it should really be called meme dictionary

by Objects4life July 31, 2019

Urban Dictionary

A website where boomers go to look up gen Z slang, or where people go out of boredom to look up their favourite words and see people defining them terribly

"I went on Urban Dictionary and looked up some random words I already know the meaning of just to see what it says"

by naminaidk June 14, 2024

Urban Dictionary

All the definitions on Urban Dictionary were written by people just like you. Now's your chance to add your own!

Write for a large audience. Lots of people will read this, so give some background information.
Don't name your friends. We'll reject inside jokes and definitions naming non-celebrities.

In the boxes below, link to other words with square brackets. For example, booty will become booty.
Add some tags below.

Urban Dictionary

by BIGFATHEAD123 January 22, 2019

Urban Dictionary

Urban meaning city and dic in dictionary being dick and tion is just a misspelling of in and ary being a person so in an urban place where a dick is in ary

Tim: Hahaha look at this Urban Dictionary!!!

(This is satire pls)

by ImSatireHonestly September 17, 2023

urban dictionary

The amazing web site you are currently on. Has definitions on mostly anything you need to know written by people like you

No example needed. Clearly defined as urban dictionary

by diffy differding 84546256345 March 2, 2014

Urban Dictionary

The same freaking site you're using right now.

Bro, I just looked up "sex" in Urban Dictionary and I got horny.

by BetTD February 19, 2019

Urban Dictionary

A scary website where you feel scared, yet understood. A website where you can search anything and find any answer.

Boy: Wtf does this mean????
Girl: Search it on the Urban Dictionary...
Boy: **dies inside when he sees the definitions**

by d a d d y March 2, 2019