Source Code


a word to represent how careless you are 😊

person : hey I miss you! wanna hang?

person 2: k

person : um so yes??

person 2 : k

by um…🤟🤟 December 21, 2021


what cheeky bitches say in text or irl

stop arguing with me, "K"

by sharpshitter85 March 24, 2023


end of conversation

I didn't want to talk to him so I hit him with a "K"

by fuckmedaddy42069 March 12, 2016


This means that whoever is receiving this message has passed the point of the sender being interested in any kind of explanation or further conversation, it’s simply ending with whatever the receiver just sent. I

“I meant to grab you those skittles but I forgot, I just grabbed my stuff and left.”

by Girdle90 July 24, 2020


When you think a girl is very attractive

Hey how are you


by IlmD7!66 June 2, 2022


Something someone says when they don't care but, they care so little that they won't type "I don't care."

John: How would you like to have fun in vegas? I know that you'd really like to have fun there because, you've been their twice. How are the casinos there? Would you like to hear about my dog? People are so selfish that it's amazing. How long will you survive without a house if you were homeless? What's the rarest rare steak you've ever enjoyed in your free time?

Bob: K.

by Celyuh August 11, 2016


When someone replies with a K
It means they want to have sex with you

I love you

by Ravi baby March 29, 2022