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A guy who is always in Chisholm and has an obsession with anime and often has friends called Jayden And Cameron but always challenges people who are black

Alex beats up ashan

by Dindinding July 18, 2018


His hair looks something like Roblox hair. Alex is someone who will never get a girl and will most likely wander on the internet trying to be edgy.

Ew, is that Alex? He is so edgy.

by Alex Gertz July 7, 2018


disgusting little worm

i hate alex hes stupid

by pumpkinpan September 24, 2020


aLeX iS a ShY, qUieT, aNd fReiNDly gUy. iF y0U fInD a Gai nAmeD aLex, Bec0mE fRIenDs wITh tHeM iNstaNtlY, bEcaUSe Th3Y wIl bRiGhTEn yOu'Re dAy.

When the cringe couples write defintions on urban dictionary about each other.

Alex is Alex

by udontknowmeidontknowu November 8, 2021



alex is alex

by MiniiSun July 11, 2021


Loves to do “paja” 24/7 . He definitely loves doing needs, it doesn’t matter where or when. He is a savage

We all block an Alex

by Sofy September 17, 2019


A loser that gets bullied by everyone that he owns. Gets butt raped by every boy he meets. Loses fathers every year.

Alex is a loser

by Bitchbro November 18, 2018