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holly middle school

A very sorry excuse for a middle school first of all about 90% of these retards are gay as hell and will try to make you gay too. Also, the lunch ladies are very racist a majority of the kids are white and they all think there cool when they say the n-word (btw I'm not saying its a bad thing that the majority are white) when you expose the teachers or lunch ladies for being racist they will freak out and act all sad this is only a short summary of this piece of shit school I'm warning you DO NOT BRING YOUR CHILD HERE

person 1: hey person 2 what do you think is the worst middle school in holly

person2: holly middle school

by galaxydino583 March 3, 2020

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Liberty Middle School

My favorite fetus daycare, shit and cum all over the walls. Poooooooooooo hahahahahahaha. Autism isn't funny. Your dad on my dick.

Liberty Middle Schools crackers be like: duuuuuuuuuuuuuuu duuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Oh you went to Liberty Middle School (Shits aggressively).

by sackboy1678 February 1, 2021

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Westlake Middle School

This school is an awful place. If you are a girl, almost every guy will ask you for butt pics and nudes. If you aren't a popular girl, guys will treat you like shit. The gay kids are really rude to you if you are straight and think they are entitled to everything. The arab girls are pretty nice, but the arab guys are awful and juul and think they are sooo cool. Swear words are constantly shouted in the hallways along with frequent sex jokes. This school is made of perverts, thots, fuckboys, crackheads, gays, idiots, basic bitches, and emos

Person A: "I go to Westlake Middle School"
Person B: "I'm so sorry"

by ThatOneWhiteRose May 22, 2019

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Jack Hille Middle School

Jack Hille is a middle school in Illinois. The school is full of snakes, fake friends, and trash teachers. Donโ€™t trust anyone or you will get screwed over. The teachers are always in everyoneโ€™s business and take everything to the heart. They are very sensitive and get mad easily. All the kids are garbage too. Everyone starts drama and everyone also feeds off of it. The school is also full of snitches. Overall Hille is trash!!

Zach: What school do you go to?
Ariana: Jack Hille Middle School.

Zach: Ew, I heard that school is full of fake people.
Ariana: Ugh, it is.

by basilts April 4, 2018

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Park Forest Middle School

The root of all vapers, park forest middle school or sometimes called the gay zone is a shitty school with no windows and the edgiest kids you will ever meet. There are two fields trips one at the first week of 6 grade and one at the end of 8 grade

I went to park forest middle school
Park forest middle school is gay..

by Big_dong69420 January 27, 2021

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franklin county middle school

A place where all people do is snitch and fuck their cousins

If you wanna meet your cousin in the bathroom come on down to Franklin county middle school

by Mr. oofman April 20, 2018

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ronald reagan middle school

ronald reagan middle school is awful, itโ€™s filled with spoiled ass rich kids who are all brats and donโ€™t know how to control themselves, as well as the guys that are so cocky but with not cock at all and the kids that are just straight obnoxious and act richer then they are and the teachers donโ€™t know how to teach anything or get ahold of their student

โ€œdid you see that awful spoiled kidโ€ โ€œyeah he is probably a student at ronald reagan middle schoolโ€

by wease4592 December 8, 2018

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