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Lipton Tea Moment

An event that makes you wish you had some Lipton tea to sip on while making a statement that ends with, "But that's none of my business."

Joe: I had a Lipton tea moment yesterday when I saw your girlfriend's car parked outside her ex boyfriend's house.

Mike: Thanks for looking out for me. We'll have to talk.

by 2014_chiguy August 24, 2014

Charles Ramsey Moment

Charles Ramsey Moment: 1. An unexpected fearless embrace. 2. Any unexpected affectionate behavior toward person A. Charles Ramsey, male, gruff, unkempt, lower-class from person B. female, young, attractive, upper-class who might otherwise be expected to have an avoidant or fearful response. 3. Any unexpected, or uncharacteristic spontaneous affection, from one individual to another. Stereotypically female to male, but may occur between any two dissimilar individuals.

Rationale: There seems to be no single word or commonly used phrase to express in English the idea of unexpected affectionate behavior.

Origin: Charles Ramsey reluctant Cleveland hero
"I knew somethin' was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man's arms. Somethin' is WRONG here. Dead giveaway! Deaaaddddd giveaway. Deaaaaadddddddddddddd giveaway. She homeless or she's got problems. That's the only reason she's running to a black man!"

1. I was covered in mud when I stumbled into the cheerleaders practice room. When they showered me with sudden hugs an kisses, I thought I was having Charles Ramsey Moment.
2. I was a black man wearing a kippah she met moments before, so when she offered me a seat in the synagogue next to her mother and father, I thought, “Damn, she’s got chutzpah. I’m having a Charles Ramsey moment.”
3. He was a Palestinian laborer; she was the Rabbi’s favorite daughter. When she accepted his offer (of a ride, of a glass of water, to hide her, to hold her hand, to pull out the thorn), they were having Charles Ramsey Moment.

by WhoJewNewJew September 17, 2013

Ryder Moment 2

When you have a man period

Person 1: Hey Ryder do you wanna play some poker on red dead?
Person 2: Uhhhh plzzzz leave me alone ughhh I just wanna watch anime and be edgy
Person 1: But I jus-

Person 3: He is having a Ryder moment 2

by Rebelisachad July 6, 2020

mark deasy moment

when you see something ginger

"omg that cat is ginger"
"dude that's such a mark deasy moment"

by December 3, 2021

King kas Moment

When You type anything (facebook status, comment, text message) and forget to spell check what you wrote. Any sentence that leaves you baffled and you have to fill in your own blanks to understand it.

"I aggexrvf hate me Tgedfttf is a king kas moment"
"Let go cuz is about tim for the party to start is a king kas moment"
"a King kas moment is I think concrete and stats deserve another stats...I still hate these classes"
"I can explain it to you nest timeI see u bit is super easy and it help u on your taxes because you a practical self employed king kas moment"

by African Cobra April 25, 2013

Holy Fuck Moment

The "Holy Fuck Moment", coined by Craig Sibley, is a phrase used when you suddenly realize how amazing being alive is.
Like stopping on the side of the road just because that mountain was cool, and saying "Holy Fuck". A good chance to talk about positive things in your life and share with others :).

Guy 1: man, I had the coolest Holy Fuck Moment the other day
Guy 2: Oh, awesome! what was it?
Guy 1: I was on my way to work this morning and the fog came down on the mountains and looked super cool. I really appreciated it.
Guy 2: That's awesome dude!

by *Dingledick* November 10, 2018

forest gump moment

The moment in life when you experience a significant event or meet a person before their fame occurs before the event would be considered significant.

Remember when Forest Gump met Elvis as a kid before Elvis was famous? That was his forest gump moment.

by Dudabooda July 6, 2014