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Elbow Punch

A punch directed at another's elbow. Several consecutive punches in the elbow could hurt for days.

When you are backwards pushed or are humiliated in any other way, the best way to get your attacker back is by Elbow Punching the salad out of them.

Contact the nerve in the elbow, or the "funny bone", and the person being elbow punched will immediately crap their pants from the pain.

"I got elbow punched yesterday."
"Was it bad?"
"I pooped dude... I pooped."

by AKAthecheesegrater April 16, 2010

Circle punch

When a group of people form a circle around a person who deserves to be punished and as a team, punch that trapped person repeatedly.

That was a stupid move Emily, don’t make the family circle punch you.

by J Fam July 15, 2023

Killer move: Serious series: Serious punch

Saitama: Killer move: Serious series: Serious punch

Boros: OH SHI-

Boros: (dead)

Saitama: ez

Saitama used Killer move: Serious series: Serious punch on Boros

by ()|\|3 P!3C3 F@n January 24, 2024

Mississippi Puddin Punch

1) The act of fisting a woman's vagina to the point of drawing blood

2) The act of breaking/rupturing of a woman's vagina through close-hand fisting.

3) Related to the Mississippi Chocolate Puddin Punch which is when a man or woman gets fisted (at least wrist deep) in the anus.

Because Joe had given Michelle the Mississippi Puddin Punch the night before, their morning coitus ritual was ruined.

Rinsing the blood from his hand, Joe stood disgusted with the consequence of administering the Mississippi Puddin Punch to Michelle's vagina.

by deaddognotizzy October 16, 2009


A combination of a slap and a punch.
To vigorously slap a person on the face with a fist.

I will slap-punch you.

by Scar_t December 31, 2019

Cum Punch

A 'Cum Punch' is when a man ejaculates into his hand, clenches his fist so the spunk dribbles out between his knuckles, and then continues to punch someone with said clenched fist.

Man 1 - "Deidre was really annoying me the other night"

Man 2 - "How did you deal with it?"

Man 1 - "You know, I gave her the ol' 1-2 with a Cum Punch. That shut her up!"

by Lord Dangleballs April 13, 2018

Punching the Puppy

Waking up hung over and feeling like you have done the worst thing possible.

I seriously punched a whole litter of puppies right in thier cute stupid cute fucking faces, I was guilty of punching the puppy

by donniecakes October 15, 2010