Protecting the ground you're walking on, and, then, or, directing traffic on your turf.
That kid had so much skill, he was directing traffic from your pistol to the ground, and away from him so: "TALK ABOUT DROPPING DIMES, YOU LOST A GUN FIGHT TO A KID WITH A KNIFE?" That kid was turfing so hard in your city letting his action do the speaking; TURF TALK.
When your parents talk to you, but if you try to respond they yell at you for back-talking them.
Mom: That’s it you’re grounded!
You: but I didn’t do anything-
Mom: Don’t back talk me!!
You: It wouldn’t be back talking if you didn’t start forward-talking to me first
Friend 1: dude what happened?
Friend 2: My mom was forward-talking to me yesterday and she smacked me for trying to respond
Friend 1: yikes
when guys have a heterosexual discussion of their feelings, usually about their girlfriends.
guy1: dude what's dave talking to James about
guy2: oh, he's having a softie talk about how his girlfriend keeps busting his balls