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Brain Cable

Term for when 2 people think the same thing at the same time when they are not in the same place

Holy shit, my girlfriend called me to go eat thai while I was thinking the same thing. again. We have a fucking brain cable installed between us!

by GH27 April 7, 2023


covid-brain - adjective - describing an altered state of mind due to covid-19 (coronavirus)

example in a sentence: 1 - "It was crazy, one second I was showing her my room, the next we were on the bed with our clothes off, honestly I think it was covid-brain." 2 - "My mom doesn't usually yell at me much but recently it feels like she has been yelling at me almost daily. I think I will give her the benefit of the doubt and chock it up to covid-brain."

by Phantom Phobia October 21, 2021

Australian Brain Freeze

The "Australian Brain Freeze" is the sex act of putting an ice cube in a vagina. It's named after Australia because Australia is known as the land down under.

My girlfriend's asked me to do the Australian Brain Freeze for her last night. It was horrible.

by BubblesØ6 May 22, 2024

Brain Juicer

This is when people inject drugs into their brain, some even get a opening in their skull through surgery, one some left part of the brain, others right , very few both. Each side of the brain functions this stuff. they get high off with like. Heroine , or whatever they inject in their arms and shoot in their veins to get high to become super strong. They up to make their self super smart or super intelligent and become a genius. Even use steroids , like some start doing with the hewrt chaser as well Cocaine ? As urban legends says. I don’t know all the details.

Anything worth being attach to this life to not dream big ? Brain juicer must be how people make all these incredible inventions.

by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ June 23, 2022

Brain Fuck

Brain Fuck is what you say when you hope someone dies or has already passed. You drill a hole in a dead body big enough for your dick then put it through the hole and fuck the head

Karen I hope you get brain fucked

I will brain fuck your dead body

by Dree25879 September 2, 2019


Argument made by a brain-fucker. Usually consists of: (1) emotional rhetoric that contain few (if any) facts, (2), conspiracy theories and accusations against opponents that are not supported by evidence, (3) arguments that opponents are members of "discredited" groups (i.e. globalists, liberals, racists, etc.)

"I heard (so-and-so) say that Mexicans should be kept out of the US because they are all rapists and murderers!"
"That's a load of brain-fuck!"

by Dr Wierdsmith December 14, 2019

Smooth Brain

It’s giving idiot, stupid, the incels of the world. The opposite of someone who can utilise their brain, no grey matter, nothing.

Shan is so smooth brained

by ShanHater47 January 13, 2024