Alex is a whole ass snack, bitch.
"Look at Alex, he looks like the dollar menu"
The most amazing boy you’ll ever meet. He will always make you laugh! He always is there to have your back when you’re feeling down and comfort you. Whenever you feel depressed he is there to help you through it. He is hilarious is every way! He says the most relatable things and understands you 99% of the time. He is so handsome and his eyes are beautiful. His brown hair is so pretty, and everything about him is amazing. He is the best person you’ll ever meet. His girlfriend is the luckiest girl alive. Overall alex is an amazing person. I love Alex!
Woah is that Alex! He looks so cool!!!!
Alex is one of the worst people you will ever meet, he will not show you love or support and he is always a complete dick. If you ever find an Alex make sure to get rid of him right away.
Hey I found an Alex
Omg get rid of him right away he will ruin you
Has a huge cock and big balls
He is an amazing kisser and is magical in the bed
Very very gay, has a small cock and is a whore and he cheats a lot
Person 1:isn’t that Alex ur boyfriend kissing his “bestfriend”
Person 2:your right he’s such a whore
Alex is a very confusing person. She/he has your back and is a very outgoing person. They will not retaliate when under threat. They like to speak their minds and aren't afraid to fight you now and again.
Alex told me she wasn't having it anymore.