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A: round, red or green and tasty fruit that are a doctor’s worst nightmare
B: American company devoted to selling overpriced phones, laptops, not-PCs, earbuds but not overpriced tablets.

A: Apples = Death of doctors
B: Look at my iPhone 420 pro plus ultra max 5G 1TB 69GB RAM phone made by apple!!!!!!! - Every bastard or nerd (🤓🤓🤓🤓) ever

by TheVeryStrangeOne45 September 14, 2022


Apple is the best phone company in the world.They have some unique products that are so powerful such as:Iphone,Mac,Ipad.

Apple makes some really good phones

by Nobody_0334 February 23, 2023


A fruit that is red and green and sometimes a mix of red and green and sometimes yellow and sometimes other colours too. They are usually pretty sweet, and some varieties are sour. :)

Rapper: Hey, that apple tasted pretty good.
Cashier: Wow, I didn't know rappers eat apples.

by maose August 26, 2021


worse company to have ever excisted. all isheep swallow a lot of pumpkin pie. apple is such a bad company they pay their workers with dildo's!

apple swallows dildo's

by not a gay person (DylanH) June 14, 2018


synonim for fucky fucky sucky sucky

apple swallows

by not a gay person (DylanH) June 14, 2018


Definition 1; a female having a phat ass
Definition 2; a round fruit that grows on a tree

DaShaun: Yo Trey check out that lil mama over there!
Trey: Yeah she looks like she'd show you that apple.

by gimmedawifi March 14, 2019


Why Tf ru searching up what an apple is u moron it’s probably like 11:00pm and u have nothing better to do just go sleep

Lia: can I have an apple
Mia: no go to fucking bed it’s 1am

by rei is cool August 25, 2024