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plant gang

a slang word used by people who like or play as the plants inside video games such as piranha plant (super smash brothers ultimate) wormwood (don't starve together) or plantera (terraria)

holy cannoli, i like piranha plant too, plant gang!!!!

by paper horse filled with candy March 5, 2023

Pappy gang

A term used for fans of the late Shaquon Thomas

I’m forever pappy gang wassam

by Yathrib November 29, 2021

La Goobla gang

La Goobla gang is the best friends group ever (brain deficiency gang)
Memebers include:
Dan - full time proffesional autist

Roder - Dumb Creative GUy

Samuel Duke - Best Tornado Chaster™ in the WORLD! also the fifth beatle and a aspiring journalist.

Taxer - Dont mess with him or he will code you head to explode!


Pz - War Criminal with a mysterious aura.

Sprout - Best TANK COMMANDER™ in the group!

YetiKing - idk some random guy.

Mark Schenkedir Scheißpost - Evil ALTER ego of Taxer.

Mark: Have you ever though of joining the La Goobla gang?

Joe: YES! I love La Goobla gang.

by Roder_cz June 10, 2024

Gang Hang

Gang Hang: When a group of people commit suicide together


Hey Eve wanna do a triple suicide?



Hey Eve wanna do a triple suicide?


by Ilickpenisformoney June 27, 2020

gang violence

The criminal and non-political acts of violence committed by a group of people who regularly engage in criminal activity against innocent people. The term may also refer to physical hostile interactions between two or more gangs. The term gang refers to two or more people organized to achieve a common objective and who share a common identity. Gangs identify themselves with a common name or sign.

That man used gang violence against me!

by Jabba Ranks August 14, 2020

Gang Violence

When something is next level or hardcore. Something extraordinary and awe-inspiring. Can be compounded with "hell yeah" at the end of the sentence.

Guy: This party is going off! They even have tigers!!
Girl : Now that's gang violence, hell yeah.

by Harviwan November 30, 2023

Cube Gang

When a person thinks cubes are superior from Tetrahedrons and Spheres

Person 1: Cube Gang or Sphere Gang

Person 2: Cube Gang, obviously

by Kiwi - The Superior Species November 24, 2020