Usually referred to when a place is popular, or when it’s a good time to go out. If something is popping that day, use this term to emphasize how important it is to leave the house.
Hey, you have to come to the club, it’s so out tonight.
It’s so out right now, it’s like 75 degrees.
How English-speaking immigrant hears Swedish phrase “varsågod” (“you are welcome”, "please!")
- tuck saw me cat!
- war so good!
I really am. I’m trying not to lose my head,
Oh my god I am so pissed
A phrase that could also be used 'SIMP'
' hey i gtg, have a test tomorrow simp (so i must prepare)
A Bharatiya meme from Jasmeen Kaur, a Delhi-based entrepreneur.
wow wow wow cutie you are So beautiful, so elegant, just looking like a wow
My balls itch so bad, bro
Me too
Let's itch each other's balls
Aaaa I'm nutting !
The amount of love Zach has for Joni Butler.
I love you so very damn much, Joni Butler!