When a whole fuckton of people continuously climb each other so they can fuck one person.
Everybody knows an orgy isn't great until the gang bang ladder starts.
Melon Gang, it is the best Gang in all of the VR Community. if you try to beat Melon gang our Daddy Eric will hit you >:(
Idiot 1: what is melon gang?
Idiot 1: *crying*
Melon Gang is the best Gang on all of the VR Community, all others will fail (like spaghet gang) if you try to hurt us Daddy Eric will hurt you >:(
Idiot 1: what is the melon gang?
Smart 2: Melon Gang is the best Gang on all of the VR Community, all others will fail (like spaghet gang) if you try to hurt us Daddy Eric will hurt you >:(
Smart 1: thank you I am now Smart 1 and no longer a stupid idiot face
SBB: Sworn By Blood
SBB Gang= A term used for a group of closest friends (brothers). Specifically willing to do bad things for each other
Girl 1: Hey, pretty boy.
Friend of hers: You're talking to an SBB/SBB Gang member.
Girl 1: SBB?
Friend of hers: Sworn By Blood. He would sacrifice you for his brothers aka the SBB Gang.
A midget gang is a girlish gaggle of decidedly diminutive, severely stunted, extremely effeminate and outrageously overcompensating, markedly microscopic midget manlets (dwarfed males shorter than 5ft10), turbo-manlets and literal midgets who have banded together in a completely delusional, absolutely futile, naturally cowardly and obviously Napoleon complex-driven effort at overthrowing their rightful, eternal, glorious and supremely magnificent manmore (6ft+ tall real men) overlords. Such a shortsighted, small-minded and childish attempt at a derisory manlet uprising is invariably doomed to fall short of its lowly goal, leaving the petulant and petite little manlet fairies with no other option but to pick up their broken high heels and cry tiny tears of bitter humiliation as they tell each other tall tales on the way back to their hobbit-holes while being continuously pelted with stolen garden gnomes by groups of laughing and victorious manmores. Short people got no reason. Manlets BTFO.
Sally: Lol, why is that microscopic midget gang being carried around by that swarm of ants over there? Scarlett: I think the maddeningly minuscule manlet boys battled with the superior ant army over a crumb of blueberry muffin that a passing manmore dropped on the ground, were unsurprisingly immediately soundly defeated and are now being carried off to the triumphant ant's anthill, no doubt to serve as war brides or to be sacrificed in the antlet pit. Sally: Manlets rise up! Scarlett: Hahahahaha!
A crazy person that's the leader of a gang or crew or conglomerates
Damn homie straight peanut gang leader bro!