A shit that resembles a pile of bean dip.
Man! After a night of drinking beer and eating burritos, I had a MASSIVE bean dip shit!!!
Holy shit! We were in the park today and needed to use the restroom. Someone left bean dip shit all over the commode!!!!
Dixie was changing little Brysons diaper and she vomited! Bryson had taken a 7 lb bean dip shit!!!
When you put your testicles in a girl's ass and fuxk her pussy
I meet this freaking girl last night she got me to do the fishy bean burrito to her
this is usually not used as an insult. This sentence is used among hillbillies and rednecks to call each other sexy and//or arousing .
Brother: hey pork chop ;) , oh baby you really are a slutty can of beans.
Sister: thanks pumpkin pie, I could grind up on that red neck of yours all day.
1👍 1👎
While receiving a blow job your significant other sneezes on your balls.
While you down there girl, how 'bout you season my beans?
A word to describe a boy who is pale yet extremely handsome. Who loves to play sports with his friends and who has feelings for a cinnamon frapp. He loves to be around cinnamon frapp and make out with her. Vanilla bean frapp is awesome
Friend 1: Have you seen that vanilla bean frapp?
Friend 2: Ya man, he has feelings for cinnamon frapp
A cancerous YouTuber with 1,74k subscribers who's notorious for making cringe train animations and simping for Little Soul 123. His content actually sucks in general
Dave: What have you watched on YouTube?
John: I was watching Ender Bean TV. I’m a huge fan of him
Dave: what a fucktard
(noun) shít-təe tít-eə bəən
A way to describe a scenario where someone is acting like a bean with a shitty titty
Hannah was a shitty titty bean