DAD: My son has Fortnite
Friend: You mean Cancer
Dad: Same thing
A game developed by non-epic games that causes certain players to contract ligma
A fucking annoying game, which was designed for stupid 11 year olds and shitty YouTubers.
Dude I swear to god, if I ever see someome playing fortnite im gonna destroy him
A game used by all guys that have no life. This game takes away the attention of all their girlfriends. It’s a waste of time and as soon as the next game comes in it will be history. All the guys spend their time posting their victories that no one in this world gives a shit about and be prepared to loose your girlfriend after this.
Guys: hey I’m about to play fortnite I’ll text you later
Gf: Dont even text back stay with your stupid game you asshole
a stupid ass game that virgins play
Person 1:Do you play Fortnite?
Person 2:Yeah!
Person 1: Ew virgin!
A stupid game where kids say fucking weird stuff like "oN mE" "aImBoT" "REVIVE ME" "YOU BOT" "I aM sOOO sweaty"
Also where you can find 12 year old whores.
A game on Xbox 1 or iPhone or computer a survival game the point is to be the last one standing. It also has cool (outfits) (idems) and (weapons) and (cool dances )and you can play (50 v 50)
(Due) or (squads)
Guy :1 have you heard of fortnite
Girl:2 Yeha
Guy1: I just killed 6 pepole in fortnite
Girl2: well I got victory royal ps means first place