someone who bring you comfort and joy. someone who you look at and see light and happiness. someone who can make u happy at ur lowest.
luke hemmings is my sunshine person :)
I Look Like a different person means I look prettier or more mature etc
"omg this eye liner is so good I look like a different person!"
The Politically Correct way verbalization for Gangbang...
Great News!! 23 of the 34 people I invited have already rsvp'd to my Multiple Person Fuck (MPF)!!
While i was searching something on tiktok i've encountered a random NPC that wanted to intimi date everyone.
Gran the I don't like fighting, lets say I become a new person🐺😈😏 mug
Lowercase people are a species of introvert. They display generally dull personalities, henceforth appearing as boring or muted. Although they can barely hold conversation, they are capable of humor.
Sam and carl pinpointed the lowercase person at their party.
"Fred is so boring, no wonder he has no one to talk with." snickered carl.
Sam replied "It's like he has a lowercase personality or something!"
Said to only show up on leap day.
Yeah that's it really
Person 15: Where's Person 29? I need to talk to him
Person 13: You just missed your chance. You have to wait 46 more months :P
Person 15: NOOOOOOO-