5kt is a organization created by azulka . it is also short for “five k Takeover”
5KT = 5 Kings Takeover. 5KT ain’t no orders taken, orders are given 5KTake= 5 Kings Also Known As 5Ktakeover
Membership fee $50K
5 Kings Takeover, 5KT means them real kings, power within
If the are two chicks and you want to talk one, and your friend distruct the other chick
Calvin is holding 5 for Cane with Marriah's friend Queen
The five R’s
1. Rape
2. Run
3. Regret
4. Return
5. Repeat
Guy 1. “Dude I did the 5 R’s last night!”
Guy 2. “Bro that’s messed up...”
national fuck ur favorite ex day
you miss them so badly? you get to get down on them for a national holiday on august 5
What bald guys have at the end of the day.
It’s dinner time and my 5 o’clock halo is making an appearance.
im so bored i wrote 1!¡2"@3#£4¤$5%€6&7/{89)0=}+?\´`±qwertyuiop¨`~asdfghjkl'*<>|zxcvbnm,.:-_ in urban dictionary