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The most perfect guy you could ever meet in your life. He is very loving, charming, loyal, and finds ways to make a girl smile. He can sometimes act like he doesn't care ,but truly cares deeply.

Alex made his girlfriend so happy today.

by hide and seek December 2, 2021


2 males inserting different ends of the same dildo into their anuses at the same time. Then pushing back towards each other.

Im feeling horny. Come on, let's alex!

by Asabovesobelow May 12, 2020


alex always get the girl he likes and is a mlg pranksergangster

hey is that alex with the girl i like

by Trumpy clint February 13, 2017


The best soccer player in the whole world and the kindest, most caring and thoughtful boy ever. Alex is always the full package- smart, good looking, funny, nice and good at everything.

“Wow did you see Alex just scored 15 goals in that game!?”
“No I only saw 14!! 😭”

by Clozza January 27, 2022


A Part Of The "Kool Kids Klub"

Alex is one of the best people in the Kool Kids Klub

by Gold.DP December 11, 2019


Typically an asshole, so to all girls and guys out there! Never date an Alex.

They are normally manipulative, compulsive and will just use you for their physical desires which sucks.

They don't know how to compliment a girl, they are cheaters but are also extremely smooth within what they say to win you over so be careful.

All in all, ALL Alexanders (Alex for short) will fuck your life up.

Girl 1: "That guy just used me for nudes, and dumped me!"
Girl 2: "Gosh, he sounds like SUCH an Alex!"

by Basic Whore October 24, 2017


Absolute stud who fingered his bird in a park and says he wants to die for attention

Corr, that Alex is an absolute attention seeker

by ROACHLOLZ September 9, 2017