The word cap but taken to an extreme.
An outright lie or exaggeration.
You remembered to feed the fish? That’s a cap and a half.
Cap and a half!
Parent's female half-first cousin.
My half-cousin-aunt is a good person.
Grandparent’s half-first cousin.
My half-great-cousin-pibling is a good person.
A term used to describe a dick that is neither hard or flaccid. The half slug is generally used by men to wave or display to soneone they are in love with.
Codge showed steve his half slug, and steve ejaculated.
1- Child of double-half-aunt (daughter of maternal grandmother and of paternal grandfather) and of double-half-uncle (son of paternal grandmother and of maternal grandfather) at the same time.
2- Child of double-half-aunt (daughter of paternal grandmother and of maternal grandfather) and of double-half-uncle (son of maternal grandmother and of paternal grandfather) at the same time.
3- Person who, in relation to the other person, has zero parents and four grandparents in common (in different manners that the double-first-cousin).
4- Quadruple-half-first-cousin.
5- Quadruple-half-1C.
My quadruple-half-cousin is a good person.
A girl who posts fully clothed pictures for the sole purpose of getting attention and likes from men or women.
That girl sure is a facebook half hoe, she almost a facebook hoe.
big six wheeled truck used by the military, also called a 6 by later to be replaced by the 7 ton
hey Corpral where is the duce and a half? you know that big pos gunny want me to take to the flight line and pick up the new boots in!