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Has a weird love for turtles and is generally shy, but a funny person.

Joe: That "Jake" kid is always real quiet
Mama: He's real nice when you get to know him

by RoombaMan1929 May 30, 2021


A fuck who will beat his girlfriend and wife and who will masterbate on Skype and lies about every thing to his friends also a fake friend which hangs out with holograms.

Friend 1:Jake is an ashole
Friend 2: I know right I hate him he said he never masterbated but I saw him do it on Skype


by Your mum gay October 29, 2018


An ashole who will never be a good friend but a woman beater

Guy1 : what happened to that girl. guy2: Jake beat him up

by Your mum gay October 29, 2018


Twat. Just like all J names

Jake is a narcissist

by jordanrock2 November 22, 2021


jake is a fresh fly ass nigga, he think he know how to dress and spends money on the most weirdest clothes but he got that on, he’s money loaded & is based af. Jake is gangster as fuck and stays on Roblox dissing niggas and plays skate 3 till 4 am, He the biggest troll and is funny afffff!!!! Jake stay strapped even thru tha darkest nites

Girl: is that a Jakester

Me: yurp he got that on

Girl: yeah he’s so based….

Me: I’ll let him kno

Me: he said to hit him up on the roblox

by trapgoon300 April 16, 2023


The name of a badass handicapped marine who goes to space and becomes a tall strong blue alien. Then kicks the s*** out of a mining corporation.

Person1:did you hear what jake just did
Person2:no what

Person1:he beat a mining corporation

Person2: that’s really cool

by May 25, 2021


A guy with a NOICE COK

OMG that’s Jake over there I heard he has a NOICE COK

by 2020 is the best year SIKEEE!! July 12, 2020