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A person who tries really hard. Same meaning as a "try-hard" but pronouncing it in a different manor. Often used in online games or real life situations.

Phil is a tree-hard at getting girls and he still cant get a girlfriend.

That kid with the UMP is such a tree-hard.

by Jp Bby October 16, 2010

Anal so hard

when you get deep dicked in the ass and it hurts to walk after

man my gf gave me anal so hard

by TheOGPhoenixV1 May 14, 2022

Sales are hard

Not if you're selling gold, Jordan. That's you trying to give credit where none is due.

Hym "Sales are hard? Not if you're selling gold. It isn't hard to sell oil. This isn't selling because it's being 'sold well.' The quality is high, the observations are profound, and I am the product."

by Hym Iam December 3, 2023

Nicholas Harding

He is awesome, the bees knees. Uses a lot of slang tho in situations but always puts a smile on your face. The best Boyfriend any woman could ask for. Respectable and loving Nicholas Harding is the best

1- Oh Nicholas Harding he's the bees knees

2- Tell me about it

by SAM115 January 8, 2023

Meathead Moo-Hard

A large, boisterous, round, angry, impoverished degenerate purchasing meat products with food stamps at a truck stop while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

I wanted to spice up my nachos but some meathead moo-hard snatched up all the onions from the condiment bar.

by kitchenspazz April 27, 2017

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math is hard

so is life...

get over it!

Kid: Mom, math is hard!
Mother: So is life, get over it!

by man367519 May 18, 2022

hard on god

When something is so good and human made that’s it’s hard for god to see that as they will wish they made them

Man those kicks are hard on god

by CheersBruh January 16, 2023