On August 9th you can beat up any French person you see and the can't fight back
Oh did you know it's beat a French day today?
A usually cheap, sometimes modified vehicle, usually a Off-Roading Vehicle that can be driven recklessly to death, with the driver able to enjoy him/herself without worrying to much about damaging the vehicle except when he or she buggers the vehicle beyond repair and will need a ride home.
These vehicles can usually tend to be easily purchaseable after damaging the last one and can tend to be a good vehicle.
Some Japanese Diesal 4WD's love to be flogged and make a good trust-worthy little car, yet can easily be dented without remorse.
Onlooker- "Jesus Christ!, You completely make a pig sty of that little Isuzu!"
Driver- " No Worries, It was just a lil' beat about I purchased for 1'500 dollars just a week ago.
On December 26 , It's time that we get revenge on the most handsome man to exist, get his ass .
*cracks knuckles , it's national beat up the red time force ranger day_
This day is reserved for beating the shit out of finn. Only him.
“Hey guys guess what! It’s national beat the shit out of Finn day!”
When you beat your hair with the towel to make it dry
Emma beat dryed her hair after she was done showering
A phrase used to acknowledge someone’s strength since Goku only fights “strong” opponents.
This can be applied in at situation, but best used comically against people who overcame hardships such as a form of cancer or other very detrimental circumstance.
The idea stems that the person WOULD beat Goku because they were able to overcome that obstacle.
2nd usage: invalid power scaling arguments when anyone completesd any feat saying Goku is stronger.
“My son beat just beat cancer today! He’s so happy and is always smiling and pushing through”
“Wow! He sounds strong! Can he beat Goku tho(ugh)?”
2nd usage:
“Saitama just exploded Jupiter by simply farting! It’s weird but he must be strong!”
“ Can he beat Goku tho ?”
A father that neglects their childrn financially and emotionally, playing an insignificant or zero parental role in the childrens rearing, failing to invest time, effort, and basic vital necessities to their offspring.
After asking Susan's dead-beat father if he could help pay for her birthday party, he not only refused but he also said he already had plans on that day.