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John Deluca

A term for a person who is very short has a big head and is extremely unfunny. He or she can normally be found jerking off a homeless man

Man my friend is a real John Deluca We need to help him

by Duck0 October 12, 2019

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jasper john

Noun. Jasper John means handsome teenager or cute teenage boy.
Verb. Jasper John as a verb means someone who is good at licking or is very good at using his tongue.

Wow, that jasper john is very good at jasper john the ice cream.
I wanna be jasper john by that tall blonde jasper.

by JasperJohnny June 9, 2021

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John fisher

John fisher is a school full of smelly batty boys. Boys who take the 154 are smelly they think that they have big cocks when I can leak any of them in just one second. Most of the mandem are trash. They think that they are bad. They say they make the 154 live when truly it’s the girls because before they come the bus is already lit so they can suck on each other 1 inch cock.

Girl 1:Omds is that John fishers

Girl 2:Yes they are gonna ruin the vibe ugh

Everyone else: FOR REALLL

by Johnfisberisshit June 9, 2020

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Verb- Past tense of John-Deer. When a customer of a sex worker (a β€œJohn”) after obtaining & paying for services, runs the sex worker down with his car and takes the money back. The sex worker appearing like β€œa deer in headlights”.

I’m going to John-Deer the next whore that charges me more than $20 for anal.

Past tense- I John-Deered that whore when I realized she left a bloody slug trail on my seat.

by Mabel Scartooney December 6, 2018

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John Zhang

John zhang, a type of fish you will find deep down the dark ocean. His behaviour for children under the age of 10 can be very mysterious at all times. He can also be identified as a F.O.B. He is the black sheep of his unique species. He is often easily spotted due to his big nose and red eyes. If you are not cautious, he will jump out of the water and bite you with his rabies. If you are unsure if you see john zhang or not, you can yell "Ms.Chen!", if he quickly acts up, you are most certain it is indeed a John Zhang.

Oh my gosh! Its a john zhang!
Run away! Its a John Zhang!

by Mrs.Z.Chen October 12, 2018

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Elton John

When your still standing during or after a massive bender

Yeah I'm Elton John

by Captain Cokeface August 6, 2019

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John Doe

An unknown man

John doe will be here the second coming to kill everyone and destroy the earth

by KingInnaEarth February 2, 2021

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