An amazing dj with an insane visual presence you won't forget.
Did you guys see Tripp Ninja during his set last night?? It was amazing!
1. Alias or fake name used to disguise a person's real identity.
2. A word or phrase appearing within a larger text that does not make sense or has no discernible meaning.
1. That trash talking blogger won't reveal anything about himself except his ninja codon.
2. His email was so full of ninja codons that is was little more than gibberish.
a fun game played with a group of freinds. you dress up like ningas and atack with a red marker. you have diferent teams and when you kill someone its called a Ninja Kill. this game is also called ninja kill
dude i totaly want to play midnight ninja
sweet, ill get the markers
When 4 brothers or coworkers bang a fat white chick that lives on a reserve.
I want you 3 and Raphaël to come back tonight. I want to get ninja turtle’d
International day to post a person you think fits the definition. Unlike national best friend day this is for the people to post anyone they think deserves the title
When is National Bitch Ass Ninja Day ? Cuz I got a few people I want to post
Someone that is always falling and is extremely clumsy
She did some Ballerina/Ninja stunt right there