Yo Kayla it’s November 4th!
You gotta ask chase out lol
national check if ur taint is hairy day.
"man wanna check if my taint is hairy cause it's national check if its hairy day".
"its november 4th my nigga check if ur taint is hairy".
Hey gurl can I ride you
No ew your gross
No chill it’s November 4
Oh shit hop on and you better have a carrot when I’m done
The day that definitely had nothing wrong happen
Nothing definitely happened on 6/4/1989
Oh man! It's so fucking good! "I'd call you a cunt but you lack both the warmth and the depth?" Genius! I died.
Hym "I don't know where all the hate for The Boys season 4 if coming from. This shit is great! Homelander's relationship with Sister Sage is great. The pacing is good. I don't see what the problem is. Oh! They gave Simon Peg permeation! Metal! And horrific! It's the best power! And they went with displacement. It's got to be the gay shit. They really need to let that shit go. The show still holds up and New Black Noir is hilarious."
In the game of cribbage, when a player leads with a 4, it is described as "weaponized", since there is no card in the deck which can be played that when added to 4 can total 15.
I lead with a Weaponized 4; you have been weaponized.