The root of all evil. You should hold money in contempt; all it does is create endless problems. If you do happen to be sensible and know this already, don't let people know that you hate money because you will be judged for it, considering the fact that most people worship money and always want more of it, regardless of how much they currently have.
Money dictates your quality of life. If you have more of it, you are able to have nicer things because you can afford more without having to shoplift. Money is an evil system that only exploits people and destroys good things. Money also creates an unwanted paradox as well, because even if you hate it, it is virtually impossible to live without it, so you really can't just stop using it out of the blue. Society forces you to use it.
Money controls every aspect of society. People literally do what they don't want to do in exchange for a little bit of it, unwillingly; it's essentially slavery.
Although she works regularly, she does not have enough money to for food, hygiene, housing, and a vehicle. If money did not exist, she would be rich.
The literal king of the world. Who needs queen Alizabeth when you have Money!
Homeless man: I need money:(
Queen Alizabeth: Too bad
Money is any item or medium of exchange that is accepted by people for the payment of goods and services, as well as the repayment of loans. Economies rely on money to facilitate transactions and to power financial growth. Typically, it is economists who define money, where it comes from, and what it's worth.
" I paid the cashier some money for my ice cream"
" spare some money"
" Elon Musk has the most money in the world"
Token for everything you would buy
people say 'Money Doesn't bring happiness' but its more of lie
cause, its needed for the food you wear
the furniture you eat and etc
Dad: i need that money to get the milk
Nah, it's not just about the getting money and the credit. I also care about the people disseminating my likeness and punishing them for trying to get me to murder your kids. And murder them I will if you do not lead me to the bastards doing this to me. There's a hierarchy somewhere. And if the piece of shit at the top does not suffer the consequences of doing this the consequences will be deferred. I also like the idea of going down in history as the creator of A.I. (Savior of humanity) which... I AM.
Hym "But I need that fucking money. I need it more than I need to breath. You need to ask your politicians why your children's lives are worth less than a conversation to them."
Hym "Money is also more important that women... Temperature... Like, not the climate but like the temperature in your house... Like a cool 68⁰... Carbonated beverages... See, these are all things that are (unlike women) are not wrong and bad... Revenge on society. You see women wouldn't understand this because the patriarchy does more FOR them than it does TO them but they are just full of shit and delusional... Antibiotics... Hair... More important than women... Not having it makes you an actively bad person... Weeding out charlatans and burning them at the stake... Giving Megyn Kelly a belt spanking... That ones on the fence cus she is a Woman but the spanking (in that instance) in more important than women as such... OH! OH! I almost forgot the most important thing! Murdering kids! The closef you can get to birth the better! Hammer. Stabbing. Rocket launcher. The MOST important thing is getting those motherfuckers IN. THE. GROUND. What they need to start doing is putting a blender under the birthing tables. Rev it up while she's giving birth. You won't have to listen to this stupid bitch scream. Ppppllllttt! Shit em out, straight into the blender."