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give 'er beans

Give it your best effort.

The teacher instructed the class to not begin writing the test until she has indicated that it is okay to start. "Give 'er beans!" she said, indicating that it was now indeed time to begin the test.

by rnork May 5, 2016

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Memphis Bean Burrito

When a man wraps a tortilla around his cock, and uses it as a condom to fuck the women who is using beans and cheese as lube. You have yourself a Memphis Bean Burrito!

We did the Memphis Bean Burrito instead of anal.

by Masuraus March 14, 2016

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flick bean city

Flick bean city, this is the captial within a state known as pound town. It may be flicked horizontally or vertically flicked. And or in the alphabetical order. There is a mathematically equation in order to completely satisfy those within this city. This definition is to be continued due to the fact that I am intoxicated and no one else is helping to contribute to this.

The girls and I this weekend had some flick bean city time after our annual pillow fight.

by bnaughty January 31, 2016

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Bean Guys

The cursed creation of dani

-What are you playing?
-Bean guys, made by dani.

by nay thees February 5, 2021

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Bean Juice

are you drinking any liquid right now then youre drinking bean juice, bean juice can heal anything that is wrong with you but you have about a 90% chance of dying so we will never really know if it helps that person or not ;?

yo did you here about Jackson dude drank bean juice and lived

by Benjamin_Sharp2 July 2, 2018

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Noble Beans

Person who thinks they too much, when they really don't know shit. Also, they seem to need a girlfriend so bad it's pathetic.

That Noble Beans is so stupid he thinks he's smart, and he always checks out the Russian moon with a perv look on his face. Beans needs pussy and a new job.

by John-John the Madman April 16, 2009

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Smart Price Beans

Lowest common denominator - Defined during some verbal exchanges amoung young professionals as being the easiest, lowest or least intellectual retort during a jokingly heated verbal exchange and can also often referred to as the "smart price tin of beans"

Glen: "That's it Smiffy, as always go for the lowest common denominator"
Smiffy: "*mocking hand action* blah blah blah, lowest common denominator as always you opt for your asda smart price beans comment when you have nothing more to say"
Glen: "typical Smiffy"

by miffysa July 13, 2010

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