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For men AND women stop putting the definition as just a man thing

He: Damn I just lost this victory to a girl
Other dude: So? Its fortnite not mannite?
He:true true.
She:you both trash

by PurpleIceCream23 August 14, 2018


a really good game to play with your friends and not your girlfriends cause they suck at the game and sometime fortnite can be BS like the u shoot a pump shot gun it takes 9 health away for some BS lagging or just some BS in the game but everything else is good buy the battle pass don't be a no skin cause no skins suck

fortnite is good

by IG and AG May 9, 2018


An object or game or basically anything that used to be good but now is bad.

Damn iphones are fortnite.

by HardTruthToHandle October 1, 2020


That game EVERY WHITE KID likes for some reason that’s full of 8 year olds


by Santoyo December 7, 2018


A game that does nothing wrong and gets a lot of hate because some fucking kids get angry at people for being good at the game

Person 1 "Fortnite gets to much hate"
Person 2 "Ew Fortnite that game is for two year olds play it"
Person 1 "Why do you hate Fortnite so much"
Person 2 "Because of the pros"

by September 15, 2021


fortnite is a very fun game and you can be a sussy baka with your friends

we can play FORTNITE later.

by marcus sussy perry March 24, 2022


A game that is typically played by boys who has no life. This game is for boys that Connot get a girlfriend and if they do have a girl they pay more attention to the game rather than their girlfriend. Also boys who play fortnite always posts their wins on snapchat even though nobody gives a fuck

Girl : I think I like this boy

Friend : I think he plays fortnite

Girl: never mind

by Rachelmageehatesfortnitexo March 20, 2018