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netflix gay

A gay person whose whole personality is being the gayest person in the room. Will actively call out people for 'not being gay enough' and will unironically enjoy stereotyped gay characters like those seen in Netflix shows.

Person 1: Did you hear Melvin talking about how much they love Q-Force
Person 2: Yea, they called me a fake gay for talking about the harmful stereotypes
Person 1: Wow, what a netflix gay.

by yourfuntix April 12, 2022

Gay Oven

A woman who - unbeknownst to her at initiation of the relationship - has had two or more boyfriends break up with her resulting from coming out of the closet.

Marry - Hey Mark, so I hear your going out with Heather?
Mark - Yeah, its great - she's so nice and cute.
Marry - So... When are you going to come out of the closet?
Mark - WHAT!?!!?! Uhgghhh... What are you talking about?
Marry - You know Heather is a Gay Oven right? Her last 3 boyfriends broke up with her because they were gay.

by Ca$hMan July 12, 2012

JV Gay

jay•vee gay

a JV (pronounce jay - vee) or a jayvee gay is a gay man who thinks mesh shirts are peak fashion and the grindr notification sound is funny. they also think popper jokes are hilarious.

JV gays annoy me so much, STOP bullying charli xcx!
jayvee gay men honestly should just act normal!

by valmwah_xo May 20, 2022

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Watts Is Gay

Watts is a gay cunt who simps for men

Watts is gay he’s dating a man

by DogNutM8 October 28, 2020

Oxford Gay

'Oxford Gay' is a gay label/clique, similar to that of bears, cubs and twinks.

An Oxford Gay is a gay man who exhibits the following characteristics:

1. A guy who is neat, educated and well traveled;
2. A modern man who encapsulates the yesteryear british gentleman.

Marc: Hey Richard, we all know you're a muscle bear - what do you think I am?
Richard: You're charming, neat and smart so an Oxford Gay I would think.

by OxfordBoy101 August 20, 2013

gay cal

When your friend cal is so good looking boys are gay for him

When gay cal walks into the room he hugs his boyfriend

by Hey cal October 22, 2019

Tactical gay

Someone who acts gay to get girls attention

Alex is proper tactical gay

by Jefferey_j January 27, 2014