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Fire In the Hole

This is used in three situations.
1. When a dangerous explosion is about to forceably destruct anything in its path. Said before diving or getting the fuck out of there.
2. Before lighting up a bong.
3. Song number 16 from Method Man and Redman's CD BLACKOUT!

1. Throw the grenade, yell 'fire inda hole' and hide!
2. Spark up the lighter, open your eyes wide and holla 'fire inda hole'.
3. "Shell shock, soldier in the trenches,
'fire inda hole'!
Game commences, third straight rapper play the benches."

by Diego July 8, 2003

6๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

glory hole

A room or cupboard used for storing miscellaneous articles, too good to be thrown out or given away, which may be useful at some future time.

"It can stay in the glory hole till needed next Summer".
"Too good to throw that out; put it in the glory hole".

by Segilla October 9, 2006

29๐Ÿ‘ 133๐Ÿ‘Ž

bob hole

bob hole- is the slang term for 1s arse hole or exit tube

no george thats me bob hole try the 1 at the front

by oviesrn April 6, 2006

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soul hole

The inverse of a soul patch, a soul hole is a short, narrow mustache grown on the philtrum of the upper lip.

Famous sporters of the soul hole style of facial hair include silent film star Charlie Chaplin, Ecuadorian president Abdalรก Bucaram, Israeli prime minister Levi Eshkol, and comedian Oliver Hardy.

Stop drawing soul holes on Obama's photos. It's impolite!

by Toomuch Introspection October 9, 2009

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Fire in the hole

1. An oil drilling term for oil well fires.

2. Armaments or projectiles in the area.

3. A saying by (males) referring to the exual prowess of red haired women, drawing on the stereotype of redhaired women being more passionate.

"RED on top! FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!"

by BBackward June 3, 2006

7๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

fire in the hole

The act of having anal sex with someone without using any lubricant. the friction between the anus and penis will cause smoke. member 1 pulls penis out of member 2's anus. member 2 then proceeds to push out smoke that was caused from the friction. thus, leading to "Fire in the hole"

Don Julio bangged Josephina in her ass. when he pulled it out, he yelled "Fire In The Hole!" and she blew smoke out her ass

by OhFaSho January 30, 2006

7๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

God hole

god hole is where you have something in the center of your life instead of where god should be like a girl friend, games, sex, even food. God should be the center of are life and if something is in your way you should have chirst in the center and live for him

time for god every day go to church being a good christian and then you will have god in your God hole

by ghostfacekilla35 March 3, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž