Source Code

one direction detection

The coolest thing ever.

We've... Got... A... Plan!


by OneD Fandom Fan January 16, 2016

"there can only be one"

Commonly misquoted reference to the Highlander movies and TV series. The actual line is "There can BE ONLY one."

Wrong: "There can ONLY BE one" Highlander?
Right: "There can BE ONLY one" Highlander!

by Shady Logic February 15, 2009

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Got one hanging

Specifically to describe the state of having a very S-L-O-W-L-Y emerging turd, or a turd that has stopped coming out and is "stuck" part way out. turtlehead

"Are you going to be in the toilet all day"?

"Sorry, I've still got one hanging, it's gonna be a while yet"

by Mickeymysterious April 22, 2009

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Taking one for the Team

v. to take one for the team is best seen in the example.

also known as: "jumping on the grenade"

Joe and his four other male friends go to a bar. They come across four very hot women, and one ugly one. Joe, being the good and pure one to his friends, gets with the ugly one to spare his friends the agony.

Buddy 1: "Hey, have you guys seen Joe?"

Buddy 2: "Yea i saw him an hour ago, he left with a real fat grenade"

Buddy 3: "That Joe guy is a good man cause he always takes one for the team"

by Reggie Regg November 24, 2003

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nice one bruva

Phrase taken from the movie human traffic, used commonly by the ecstacy takers of Newcastle. It is said to a mate in recognition of something cool that was done or said.


by pingin February 11, 2005

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One Eared Elephant

The One Eared Elephant is a maneuver in which a man turns one pant pocket inside-out while simultaneously exposing his penis through the zipper of said pants.

Have you ever seen a one eared elephant? Do you want to?

by jawbutt_teh_nutt February 13, 2008

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Hermsen One-Piece

A one piece bathing suit consisting of only the top piece and nothing on the bottom. Can also be wearing a bra and no panties. Can be used in any situation where a top is on and nothing is covering below the waist, bottomless.

"Hey check out that chick over there in the waves. She's bangin!"
"Yea and she's rockin a Hermsen One-Piece so we got a looksie at that bare ass!"

Hey did you see that Harold and Kumar movie with the bottomless party where every girl was rockin a Hermsen One-Piece?

by Tan Brobias September 26, 2010

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