A deviation of Cool Story Bro. To be used when someone tells you ridonculously lame, non appealing, inscrutable or aggravting jokes. If they get it, it shuts 'em right up. If they don't, then you laugh. You end up being the funny sarcastic asshole anyways.
Dick: What does a sorority girl put behind her ears to make her more attractive?
Nick: whats that?
Dick: Her ankles
Nick: Cool Joke Bro
Dick goes back to work, mentally regretting opening his mouth.
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This means that its real cool. Cooler than crazy. Which is why its called brazy.
Originating possibly from snowboarding culture, the term bro bra attitude is used to describe an extra-ordinarily friendly dialogue between male strangers meeting for the first time generally involving the use of alot of slang terminology
There is a real bro bra attitude out here on the slopes today.
The fastest growing Instagram Out there! Posts gr8 reposts and also has something called photoshopfriday. He's hyped for Smash Ultimate and is a kirby main. hates jigglypuff
Smash Bros Memes has a good Instagram
“Bro has no enemies” is a phrase that can be used to describe a person who will forgive someone for doing the most disrespectful shit imaginable
Guy 1 “Did you hear Jhon forgave Blake after he slept with his sister?!”
Guy 2 “bro has no enemies”
First very first YouTube channel that got plushies and started filming the plushies for YouTube revenue some of there plushies are mario,luigi,kermit,Jack skellington,sylvester the cat,bowser,spongebob,sonic the hedgehog,toon link,tingle and the risk after they started making mario plush videos everyone started doing it some of the people are super mario logan, Stache bros,goomzilla ,super mario richie and talha aamir
Cute mario bros started a weird but smart trend
A phrase showing sarcastic disbelief of a given depiction of history.
"Did you know that aliens helped the Egyptians build the pyramids?"
"Cool history bro."