When some one stops you from playing call of duty
Friend 1-"Hey why didnt you get on last night"
Friend 2- "Sorry Bro, my dad Cod Blocked me"
prevent (someone) from succeeding in their attempt to engage in sexual activity by using video games to keep them home instead. In particular call of duty (COD) warzone and other types of battle royale type games.
I had a mad date lined up with Hillary the slut but the boys cod-blocked me. At least we got a win.
When you see a girl with real nice assets but her boyfriend blocks your view of her.
"Nigga You See That! Trent is Eye Blocking Me From Seeing His Girls's Ass.
A self (cock block) is when you are in a sexual situation but your nervousness prevents you from gaining an erection.
Todd: You hook up with that chick we met at that concert yet?
Kyle: I was gonna but I was self cock blocked cause she was (a score)