Tom Brady a man who wakes up in the morning and pisses excellence. He can't sit down to pee because his Peter piper will float like a sail in the toilet. Also Mahomeys pimp aka the stage name mahomey. He was actually blessed by the tom until the brady retired and now mahomey gotta suck-n-go because he just lost afc title, but the brady has acknowledged dropping mahomey down 28 steps of stairs and called him a pushy and to get up. Tom brady a man with a bigger dick then myself.
Guy 1- He why does that guy #15 look off?
Guy 2- oh when he was a baby tom brady dropped him down 28 steps.
Guy 1- ohhh ok now I understand. I guess mahomey is really lucky to have been dropped down those stairs by someone who was created with a golden radiator size penis by the big man himself.
Guy one-tom brady is the big man... 7 superbowls dog! 10 aperances.
The act of kissing someone on their lips as Tom Brady does to his sons and wife.
Hey girl, you’re so cute I could just Tom Brady you!
The cheating QB that Eli Manning beat in two Super Bowls lol.
Remember when Tom Brady deliberate deflated footballs to beat the Colts in the AFC championship in 2014?
A tough act to follow for any rising quarterback, absolutely, if another one does make it possible to follow (which isn't guaranteed).
Tom Brady certainly wasn't ready to fade away without the world knowing he has been a tough act to follow, both in his generation and the next.
As old as he is, he must have missed the episode of Andy Griffith where Andy Griffith decides that being in 2nd place ain't so bad. Maybe he will realize it before it's too late and he looks back one day on what he didn't appreciate while he had it. He's already the GOAT, he's already been the GOAT a long time. How many losers in Vegas have been there done that thinking they could outdo themselves on the next roll? And it's not a way of saying he should retire or quit doing what he loves, he should do it until the wheels fall off absolutely, for others that might one day want to know whether age is just a number.
Tom Brady is so used to being in first place that he's nearing a divorce over the possibility that he might not end up in first. You should always give what you do your all, true, buy maybe there's something even the GOAT hasn't learned or someone he hasn't been challenged by.
A word that describes someone who has the mentality to become a 3x St George Football Champion, U14 Asian Cup Champion, 2x Ballingardcup Champion and 6x McDonald's MVP.
Can also be said as "TPJ Mentality".
"Braa he got that Tom Pham's mentality! He's cool asf!"
"You don't know me, you don't have that TPJ mentality!"
Referring to Tom Anderson, creator of MySpace, refusing to allow certain xhtml codes onto user profiles.
Don't be such an incompetent tom, money doesn't grow on trees.