As you are about to cream pull out and cream in your hand lean in and cream pie the lucky person in the face
I just gave my girl the lean cream now she need to clean her face
Bull semen carefully filtered in the mouth of a bearded german cowboy named Otto and then blown into a carton. The blowing creates a texture reminiscent of heavy cream. Used in cooking traditional German meals.
“Go down to the store and get some blow cream. This gravy needs more hints of semen.”
A Canada cream pie is a sexual act in which the male puts maple syrup in either the vagina or the asshole and strokes it till completion. Then eats out the woman (or man) for a tasty Canada cream pie.
Dude 1: I’m so hungry and horny rn!
Dude 2: I don’t have much in my pantry, but I do have some syrup. Want a Canada cream pie?
Dude 1: hell yes dude!
Can be used in a sentence in place of “spilling the tea” such as heres the gossip. It can also be used to mean “heres the cherry on top”, such as heres the defining factor, or the important part.
Person 1: did you hear about so and so’s new marriage?
Person 2: No, but heres the Sugar on the Cream, she had an affair with her last husband!
Cream sauce eaters. People who prefer a good, mild cream sauce to a bunch of Texas peppers.
We are cream sauce eaters.
when he waves his dick in the shape of a cross while he cums on your face with rosary beads in one hand and repeating the lords prayer.
When an obese woman’s fupa rubs against her legs, and the friction makes cream cream cheese, and then the man puts it between 2 crackers and makes her eat it.
How did that nasty woman get pregnant? She ate plenty of Ohio Cream Cheese Sammich’s.