someone who is a fake dumb bitch, will cheat and lie, and blame you for everything
i hate alex
a lil dingleberry who is a twink and licks dreams (the ytbers) feet all the time and is too obsessed with josh hutcherson and lovejoy.
'awh alex youre such a lil dingleberry'
The biggest cheapskate you will ever meet.
Alex your a cheapskate
People named Alex usually have very big foreheads and are ginger they can be annoying but funny with their bad comebacks
Alex has a big forehead
A guy who sucks mad dick and gets no pussy he's really lonely and has no friends and never will have any he might be adopted and he also has cancer but other than that no one likes him and no one ever will like him Alex is the type of guy to try and steal your girl but pull out his 2 inch dick then get rejected
My cock is as small as Alex's
I never wanna be as small as Alex
He is the biggest asshole u will ever meet and he is really gay not many ppl like him he a jackass and calls other ppl man names
Hey look there that gay kid
His name must be Alex