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ninja trucker

a fucktastic trucker with all the skill of a ninja, like the abilty to kill you with a single honk.

"the ninja trucker set out to destroy all of the opposing fleets crew with a mxture of ti-chi and bad songs from the south

by Captain Pumperloaf October 28, 2008

ninja boning

the act of fucking a hoe so low key, no one knows about it.

treyvon: "yo my nigga, you and dat bitch lucy still fucking"

johnson: "my nigga keep that on the dl...but yeah we ninja boning."

by brodude101 January 11, 2017

ninja footprint

Another term for camel toe, characterized by the toeprint a ninja's shoes leave on the ground.

Did you see how tight that chick's shorts were?
Yeah, that was one hell of a ninja footprint.

by CrapsimusMaximus May 21, 2017

Ninja Rizz

Quando tentas dar Rizz em alguem nascido em 2009 ou superior

Bro o tiago acabou de mandar o melhor Ninja rizz na irma do afonso !!!

by DiggazWiggaz2740 November 3, 2023

Ninja Turtling

Wearing socks with thong slippers a.k.a. "flip-flops"

I was ninja turtling the fuck out of my boyfriends locals when I went to da stow earlier .

by curriedkitty May 10, 2017

Ninja Turtling

Trekking through snowy mountains with a sled on one’s back while using the sled as a snow and wind shield as well as a means to quickly slide through the snow as it is still attached to the back.

By ninja turtling, they found that they could quickly traverse any terrain in the snow without fear of obstacles.

by extremesledding December 21, 2021

Ninja Turtling

Trekking through snowy mountains with a sled on one’s back while using the sled as a snow and wind shield as well as a means to quickly slide through the snow as it is still attached to the back.

By ninja turtling, they found that they could quickly traverse any terrain in the snow without fear of obstacles.

by extremesledding December 21, 2021