A guy how picks his own pubes out "just for fun" and dates people who video themselves shitting. He will also have a sister called Charlotte who gets rammed by all his mates cos shes mega fit
Jheez ur being such a tom iddon stop pulling ur pubes out
a Blake Harrison look-a-like in the bournemouth area. the actor is most well known for the character Neil in the inbetweeners
A fat fucking pussy who acts tuff but is a pussy, often has a meaty dad, probably vapes and a subtle simp. Overall a great friend but a gay person
Look at Tom fenney over there what a neek
HE is a dank savage who is M.L.G af and you can't even get on his level m8
tom strok is a human
A field in arnside need i say more
Ayo whats goin on in that field is that tom wales
Has autism, eating disorders, obesity, small Willy syndrome and loves young lads. Tom wales is very caring and is the life of the party.
Tom wales is a beta male.
A bombasbastic tom is a very hyper guy.
Bombasbastic tom was hopping down the hallway