A boner in the clitoral region that a girl gets during the beginning stages of menstruation. It typically occurs during the first fifteen minutes of menstruation.
Everyone can see that Sally has a raging menstruation boner.
2👍 18👎
In the middle of a party a random girl screams "BLAIRS BONER GAME!" And than the girls check of any guys have a boner and if they do the girl has to suck his dick
"I lost my virginity because of Blairs boner game! It was so fun."
The worst thing to happen in the middle of math class
“Dam today I was so embarrassed in math I had a skinny jeans boner”
A sock sometimes used by African American males for cooming in Public, in School, or while on the bus.
Sometimes used for assault, or as a pretext to assault.
Commonly abbreviated with "HBS"
Daym jamal ay-o dis feel so good wen I coom in my Horny Boner Sock.
Fug jamal gawt so mad at dat nigga dat he slap heym widt his Horny Boner Sock lamo.
A creepy old perv at a school bus stop with a boner.
Morgan got kicked off of Facebook again for posting pictures of his bus stop boner.
An old perv standing at a school bus stop with a boner.
Morgan got banned from Facebook for posting pictures of his bus stop boner.
An irrelevant term used when frustrated
Dude you're totally joshing my boner